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9 days in = success!

February 9, 2010

So…I’ve made it the first nine days of Febraury without spending any money.  To be honest, it hasn’t be as hard as I thought it would be for me.  It’s actaully kind of liberating to not spend money whenver I feel like it.  I’ve even learned a couple things about myself along the way.

The first thing I realized is that I spend money of of boredom.  I realized this last week on my way to work.  It had been snowing and the news said that that traffic was pretty bad and to give yourself extra time to get to work.  I left about 15-20 minutes earlier than I normally do.  Let’s just say that traffic was flowing just fine and I got to work in 15 minutes and had 25 minutes to kill before having to punch in.  In the past I would have stopped by Caribou or McDonald’s to get something to drink and delay being early to work.

The second thing I realized about me spending money is that it makes me feel connected to something or someone.  I think this is especially true for me with food.  You order a coffee or a meal and you have interaction with someone.  It’s not always meaningful interaction, but it’s a feeling that I’m part of something.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas to add?  Please share.  Otherwise I hope to post about another successful 7 days of not spending money.


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